Quarterly Archives



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Newsletter Archives 

Each quarter of the year, clients in our database, receive our "Real Estate Newsletter" ---
Whether you are a first time home buyer, currently renting, or someone who has made a purchase already, as a visitor to one of my  websites, you are a subscriber who will automatically receive the newsletter at the beginning of each quarter.

The newsletter is Beryl's way of keeping his clients totally informed about homeownership.  He recognizes how much there is to maintaining a home and therefore thought the newsletter and his periodic email system would serve as a great reminder and an excellent resource for home maintenance and home improvement projects a homeowner may be interested in.

Your feedback is greatly, and I mean GREATLY appreciated.  Beryl would love to hear from you about the information he passes on. 

Here are links to current, past, and future newsletter editions:

                                                                              FALL 2006         WINTER 2006                    

             SUMMER 2007             FALL 2007         WINTER 2007

SPRING 2008             SUMMER 2008             FALL 2008         WINTER 2008

SPRING 2009             SUMMER 2009             FALL 2009         WINTER 2009

SPRING 2010             SUMMER 2010             FALL 2010         WINTER 2010

Beryl Gosney
Preview Properties Inc.

Buyers:  Access 40,000+ homes for sale online with our "new mapping system".  Visit my regional website at www.previewpropertiesinc.com

www.Homesale-Guarantee.com  to see why my powerful "7-system marketing plan" has enjoyed so much success!