Title insurance protects the title to real estate that you are going to acquire. When a person buys real property, the owner selling the property has extremely strong rights, as does his family and heirs. Other people may also be involved, such as contractors or Governmental agencies. 

The title search uncovers any underlying mortgages or deeds of trust, unpaid taxes, judgments against previous owners, easements and other court actions or recorded documents which can affect the title to real estate. The title search affords you, a buyer, the benefit of knowing what issues need to be addressed before taking title to your new property. 

A Title Insurance Policy protects you and your interest in the property by:

      • Defending your title at the insurance company's expense
      • Representing you in court if necessary
      • Absorbs the cost of settling a claim, if it proves valid, in order to "perfect" title and keep you in possession of the property
      • Pays you for a covered loss if one occurs