Federal law provides that buyer clients receive a "Truth-in-Lending Disclosure Statement." Study it carefully as well as other information about your loan that is given to you. Your loan is an important transaction. Following are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Truth-in-Lending Statement and their answers.

Q. What is a Truth-in-Lending disclosure Statement and Why Do I Receive It?
A. Your Disclosure Statement provides information which Federal law requires us to give you. The purpose of the statement is to give you information about your loan and help you shop for credit.

A. The Annual Percentage Rate, or A.P.R., is the cost of your credit expressed in terms of an annual rate. Because you may be paying "points" and other closing costs, the A.P.R. disclosed is often higher than the interest rate on your loan. The A.P.R. can be compared to other loans for which you may have applied and give you a fair method of comparing price.

A. The amount financed is the mortgage amount applied for MINUS prepaid finance charges and any required deposit balance. Prepaid finance charges include items such as loan origination fees, commitment or placement fee (points), adjusted interest, and initial mortgage insurance premium. The Amount Financed represents a NET figure used to allow you to accurately assess the amount of credit actually provided.

Q. Does this mean I will get a lower mortgage than I applied for?
A. No, if your loan is approved for the amount you applied for, that's how much will be credited toward your home purchase or refinance at settlement.

Q. Why is the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE different from the interest rate for which I applied? Why is the AMOUNT FINANCED different?
A. The Amount Financed is lower than the amount you applied for because it represents a NET figure. If someone applied for a mortgage of $50,000 and their prepaid finance charges total $2,000, the amount financed would be shown as $48,000, or $50,000 minus $2,000.

The A.P.R. is computed from this LOWER figure, based on what your proposed payments would be. In a $50,000 loan with $2,000 in prepaid finance charges, and an interest rate of 14%, the payments would be $592.44 (principal and interest) on a loan with a thirty year loan term. Since the A.P.R. is based on the NET amount financed, rather than on the actual mortgage amount, and since the payment amount remains the same, the A.P.R. is higher than the interest rate. It would be 14.62%. If this applicant's loan were approved he would still receive a $50,000 loan for thirty years with monthly payments @ 14% or $592.44.

Q. How will my payments be affected by the Disclosure Statement?
A. The Disclosure Statement only discloses your estimated payments. The interest rate determines what your monthly principal and interest payment will be.

Q. What is the FINANCE CHARGE?
A. The Finance Charge is the cost of credit. It is the total amount of interest calculated at the interest rate over the life of the loan, plus prepaid finance charges and the total amount of mortgage insurance charged over the life of the loan. This figure is ESTIMATED on the disclosure statement given with your application.

A. This figure indicates the total amount you will have paid, including principal, interest, prepaid finance charges, and mortgage insurance if you make the minimum required payments for the entire term of the loan. This figure is ESTIMATED on the Disclosure Statement and is estimated in any adjustable rate transaction.

Q. My statement says that if I pay the loan off early, I will not be entitled to a refund of part of the finance charge. What does this mean?
A. This means that you will be charged interest for the period of time in which you used the money loaned to you. Your PREPAID finance charges are not refundable. Neither is any interest which has already been paid. If you pay the loan off early, you should not have to pay the full amount of the "finance charges" shown on the disclosure. This charge represents an estimate of the full amount the loan would cost you if the minimum required payments were made each month through the life of the loan.

Q. Why must I sign the Disclosure Statement?
A. Lenders are required by law to provide the information on this statement to you in a timely manner. Your signature merely indicates that you have received this information, and does not obligate either you or the Lender in any way.
Some final notes from a
Buyers Agent perspective...

As your Buyers Agent, I remind you to take notes on all facets to the process. I know its a lot of work, but there is a lot of information you are receiving and it is extremely hard to remember everything you are told.

Ask alot of questions when you dont understand. You have a right to know the answers. If the lender you are working with shows frustration with your questions, I suggest finding another lender. Because the body language you may be picking up is clearly indicating they do not have your best interest at heart.

A loan officer loyal to their clients will do all they can to lead you down the path so the outcome is all favorable and the path leading to it is well understood.

As your Buyers Agent, I demand it your complete satisfaction. I care about your well being and you deserve the very best treatment possible.

Oh,something else very very important: Your interest rate quoote is merely the rate on the day it was quoted. It is the Borrowers responsibility to LOCK THE RATE to be guaranteed the rate. Ask your loan officer about this process. It is crucial you understand this.